Press Release: Romania and the Republic of Moldova’s March for Life 2015 – “Every Life Is a Gift”
Ediția 2015The 2015 Pro-Life Week – “Every Life Is a Gift” will be held in Romania and the Republic of Moldova between the 18th and 25th of March. The Pro-Life Week’s main focus will be the March for Life 2015, held on March 21st.
In Romania, the March for Life is at the fifth edition, while in the Republic of Moldova it will be held for the first time. While last year there were 40 cities involved, this year 60 Romanian cities have joined the action, organizing local marches and events. In the Republic of Moldova the march will be held in Kishinev and Orhei. More details and the whole list of the cities can be found on the event’s official website,
The message of this year’s edition, conveyed by the slogan “Every Life Is a Gift”, is that each person is unique and has infinite value. Society has only to gain by supporting persons with special needs and particularly by helping women in pregnancy crisis to give birth and raise the persons they are carrying in their wombs. These persons are gifts to their mothers and also a gift made by the woman to her family and to society.
Today, Romania numbers 21,800,000 inhabitants. In Romania, 22,000,000 abortions have been registered only in state hospitals since 1958. There are 400 abortions on demand done in Romania daily – and these are just the statistics reported by state hospitals. There are 480 abortions for 1,000 births in Romania, the highest abortion rate in the European Union and twice as high as the US abortion rate. In reality, these numbers are much higher, because abortions made in private clinics are not officially recorded and abortions made by the millions of Romanian women who work abroad have never been taken into account.
In the Republic of Moldova, whose actual population is around 3,600,000, after the country declared its independence in 1991, 750,000 abortions have been recorded.
We need to grant special attention to the situations in which the woman receives unfavorable diagnosis during pregnancy. Especially in case of Down Syndrome, the child has slight chances to be born: in the European Union, 96% of the children diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the womb are aborted. That is why we have chosen to organize the March for Life on March 21st, which is the World Down Syndrome Day. We are trying to raise awareness that persons with Down Syndrome, like many other persons with special needs, are being discriminated against even before they are born.
We consider that every human life is worthy of respect and deserves support regardless of any other criteria like ethnicity, sex, religion, health condition, stage of development and so on. A child in the first day after conception is no less than an adult person, a Down Syndrome person is no less than a genius, a mobility-impaired person is no less than an Olympic champion. Every person has something unique and priceless to give to his or her peers and a really humane society needs to tend to everybody’s specific needs with sensitivity and respect. A true civilization will not exclude or discriminate the vulnerable.
Romania and the Republic of Moldova’s March for Life is non-confessional and apolitical and it does not request legal prohibition of abortion. Its goal is to raise awareness on:
1. the existence, uniqueness, dignity and value of each human being since the moment of conception;
2. the fact that unfavorable situations such as an unexpected pregnancy, or unfavorable diagnostics such as Down Syndrome lead to pregnancy crisis, an extremely difficult time for women;
3. the need to support women in pregnancy crisis – before and after they give birth.
The 2015 Pro-Life Week events and the March for Life 2015 – “Every Life Is a Gift” are open to all those who share these principles and goals.
Alexandra Nadane
President of Romania’s Students for Life Association
Ioana Picos
Ambassador of Romania and Republic of Moldova’s March for Life 2015
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